Exercises to thin the abdomen and sides

before and after exercises for delicate sides and abdomen

The sides and abdomen are the most common complaints - this area gains unnecessary volume at the slightest violation of the diet.

In these places, they try to get rid of oily layers, because they spoil the appearance, cause serious discomfort and interfere with wearing tight clothes. Diet alone is not enough to extract lipids. To lose weight on the abdomen and sides, you need sports and physical activity. Regular exercise will not only improve your appearance, but also help you cope with health problems. Also, exercises to thin the abdomen and sides will help to correct the problem area quickly, but it is not an independent solution.

Fighting excess weight helps to get rid of many psychological complexes. The quality of life is significantly higher in people of normal weight.

Useful information

We often owe the fatty tissue that accumulates there to the abdominal and thigh cavities. Less often, this phenomenon is associated with loss of muscle freedom and skin tone (this condition is most often observed after childbirth). In some cases, both causes are combined (fat and freedom). Sport is just one of the measures taken to attract the problem area. If you want to lose weight, you will definitely need to pay attention to diet. Massages and body wraps are additional activities.


It is important to remember that strength training builds muscle well, but burns fat quite slowly. Cardio loads, on the other hand, have a general effect on the body, so they actively burn the fat layer (oxygen is a kind of catalyst for this process). Thus, exercises aimed at losing weight on the abdomen and sides should be different. As a cardio exercise, you can do morning jogging. If it is not possible to train in the fresh air, a treadmill will help (you can use other cardiovascular equipment - an orbitrek, a sports bike). A good load is created by training with a skipping rope or hoop. The best results are obtained with regular interval training, which varies from 2-4 minutes to one minute of intense activity.

When designing a series of strength exercises, it is important to remember that the muscles adapt quickly to a certain load, so you will not get noticeable results by repeating the same exercises from day to day (alternative programs are recommended). In addition, you should not focus on exercises that move only on a certain muscle group - it is recommended to do general strength exercises that speed up the metabolism. Such exercises can be included in the general complex or you can focus on them separately. Remember that weight training is not just strength training, but also simple pumping of the press.

Training scheme

Experts believe that daily strength training is unnecessary. It makes sense to follow this scheme to lose weight faster in problem areas: days 1, 4 - strength training, day 2, number 5 - heart, number 3, number 6, № 7 - rest. This is an average scheme, you can get more detailed recommendations from your trainer.

It is advisable to take measurements and weigh yourself before starting a weight loss program. It doesn't hurt to keep a diary and include information on nutrition and exercise. This will allow you to customize the program, increasing its efficiency. You should not expect an immediate result - the stomach and sides will not contract immediately.

Strength training

Perform each movement at least 8-10 times. Gradually increase the number of repetitions to 20-30 times. Several approaches are recommended. Make sure you knead your body before exercising and do a stretch when you're done.

Lie on your back, bend your knees slightly, press your feet to the ground. Extend your arms to the sides. Slowly pull your knees to your chest (as you breathe in), bend your legs more and lift your pelvis off the ground, and then return to the PI (do not put your feet on the floor).

Repeat the previous exercises, but now increase the amplitude - at the last point of the movement, the knees should be above the face.

Lying on the floor, cross your legs as in the lotus position (knees to the sides, ankles crossed). Squeeze your palms behind your head. Raise your shoulders off the ground.

Repeat the previous exercises, but change your legs - bend your knees and put your feet on the ground (in this case, another muscle group is processed).

Lie down next to you. Extend the hand that appears below you in front of you and place your palm behind your head. Try to lift your upper body and one leg at the same time. If the movement is easy, make it difficult - lie on your elbows and lift both legs (reverse movement). Return to the SP, do not put your feet on the ground. Try both sides. This exercise may seem difficult for beginners, so it is recommended to start with an easy option.

SP is the same, change the exercises a bit. Now lift your legs off the ground, bend your knees and extend your elbows towards them (the trajectory of the movement changes slightly, the other muscles work accordingly).

Lie on your back and place your palms on the back of your head. Lower your legs bent at the knees to one side. Lift your upper back off the ground (chest up). Try both sides.

Lie on your stomach. Reach forward. First, lift only the upper part of the body. After a few repetitions, just start lifting the bottom. After completing a few repetitions, start lifting both the top and the bottom at the same time. After that, work diagonally - lift your right arm and left leg at the same time, and vice versa. As a result, lift the "top" and "bottom" at the same time and keep the muscle tension for 15-30 seconds (repeat 2-3 times). Remember to rest between exercises (30 seconds is enough). Don't think that the above movements are only for the back - they work the abdominal muscles perfectly and keep the tension going (plus the muscles are stretched as opposed to a direct load).

Get up, lean forward and put your palms on the ground. Pull your abdomen up and straighten your back. Hold this position for a few seconds while holding the muscle tension. While maintaining this position, start "walking" in your seat, bend and flex your knees.

SP is the same. Alternatively, move your hands ("walk" with them), gradually taking the position of the body, as in pushing from the ground. Then start the reverse and return to the PI.


Strength training is very effective for weight loss on the abdomen and sides - it is important to do it from time to time, not from time to time. Don't forget your heart rate - it significantly speeds up the weight loss process.